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Advisor Wurz backs Williams to survive

"The future of the team is not in danger"

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Former team driver Alex Wurz says Williams can bounce back from its current slump.

With two ’pay drivers’, poor performance, and the impending departure of main sponsor Martini, many worry that the once-great British team will soon fold.

But Wurz, who according to Speed Week is now an ’advisor’ for the independent team, said: "The turnaround will come."

Firstly, he said fans should not worry that Williams will not replace the money of departing backer Martini.

"There are some contacts and prospects," Wurz revealed. "We will be able to replace Martini.

"The future of the team is not in danger."

And he said Williams can also improve its 2018 car, which in the hands of Sergey Sirotkin and Lance Stroll has not looked competitive so far.

"I’ve always been sceptical about technical advances during a season, but we’ve found solutions that should work by the summer," Wurz added.

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