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Alonso loses temper with Portuguese paparazzi

as he walked through the Porto Santo airport

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Fernando Alonso has landed himself in a controversy within the Spanish-language media.

After arriving in a private jet for a holiday on the small Portuguese island of Porto Santo, the Ferrari driver lost his temper with a group of paparazzi photographers as he walked through the airport.

A video shows the 29-year-old telling the group in Spanish: "The first photographer or camera I see in the next days, I will leave the next day and tell everyone that Porto Santo is a disaster.

"Ok? So please leave us alone," added Alonso, who gestured with a thumbs-down.

The footage was featured in the news coverage by several media, with some reporting that Alonso has been even more aggressive on occasion.

Alonso’s next official engagement is Ferrari’s traditional Wroom event in the Italian Dolomites.

The video on Youtube:

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