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Australia 2011 - GP Preview - Red Bull Renault

Team quotes

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Mark Webber

As an Australian I’m looking forward to Melbourne being the first race. We’ve done a huge amount of testing and a lot of work has gone into the cars - now we’ll put them through their paces at Albert Park and lots of questions will be answered. It’s going to be an eventful weekend, especially as the weather can be a bit hit and miss. We’ll learn a lot about the tyres, which will play a key role. I hope I can improve my luck there, as it hasn’t been incredible since since my first GP in ’02. I hope to get my best result and there’s every indication we can do that. This is the best winter we’ve had - let’s hope we can carry it on into this event.

Sebastian Vettel

We know what it feels like to start the season in Australia, it’s a special place with a special track - It’s one of the few cities that lives Formula 1 for the week, so I’m looking forward to it. It has been an exciting winter and the time around Christmas was important to calm down, but since February we have been back in the rhythm. It’s nice to look back at last year and at what we achieved but we’re all looking forward now and focusing on the new car and season. It all starts from zero again; we’re excited, we’ve had enough of testing now and we want to go racing again."

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