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Berger linked with Renault/Lotus role

Boullier is rumoured to be leaving

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Gerhard Berger has emerged as a contender to work with the Lotus Renault team.

Italy’s La Gazzetta dello Sport and Finland’s Turun Sanomat report that the former grand prix winner, BMW motor sport director and Toro Rosso co-owner has been sounded out by Lotus’ owner Genii Capital.

"Team boss Eric Boullier is rumoured to be leaving his duties," wrote journalist Heikki Kulta.

Additionally, former McLaren sporting director Dave Ryan was in the Renault garage last weekend at Interlagos, with team figures coy about his possible full-time involvement for 2012.

Genii’s Gerard Lopez said this week: "Kimi (Raikkonen’s) decision to come back to formula one with us is the first step of several announcements which should turn us into an even more serious contender in the future."

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