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COTA 2013 - GP Preview - Red Bull Renault

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Sebastian Vettel

What was the track like driving at the United States Grand Prix last year?

Last year we were all sliding quite a lot because the tarmac was still so new, especially on the tight and twisty bit towards the end. It was sometimes almost more rally style than Formula One, because it was so slippery!

What was the most challenging part of the circuit to drive and why?

The section after the steep hill at the beginning is particularly challenging. Last year it took me quite a while to get my bearings and to position the car correctly.

Mark Webber

How was the first event at the Circuit of the Americas last year for you?

It’s a real credit to everyone involved in organising the inaugural event that it passed so smoothly. And Austin is a great city, so I see no reason why F1 can’t gain a true foothold in the US at this venue.

Tell us what it’s like to drive the track?

It is an incredible racetrack, it looked good on paper and lived up to expectations. It’s really stimulating to drive, with lots of fast corners and some big undulations. There were some initial worries about the length of the first sector because it’s long and has a lot of consecutive corners. But I think it’s okay; it’s very challenging because it’s fast and you have to be very precise because it’s very difficult to regain lost momentum if you make a mistake.

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