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Canada gives Force India momentum for Silverstone

"We knew that on the medium tyre, the car was working well"

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A gap of two free weekends after the Canadian GP has given Sahara Force India a welcome chance to catch up at the factory and prepare for the busy double header of Silverstone and Nurburgring.

It goes without saying that as the local race for the team, the British Grand Prix is a big weekend for everyone in the camp. The good news is that Paul Di Resta and Adrian Sutil head into the event on the back of a great run of strong performances – even if the results haven’t always fully repaid the potential of the VJM06.

In Canada the pair finished seventh and 10th, earning some useful points and extending the advantage over McLaren in the constructors’ championship, in which the team currently sits a solid fifth.

Paul’s race performance in Canada was eye-catching and it made up for a frustrating Saturday afternoon that saw him stuck in 17th on the grid. The team went for a one-stop strategy and he ran an amazing 56-lap stint on the medium tyre to secure himself seventh place.

“We were very strong on Friday, I think we knew that on the medium tyre, the car was working well,” says Paul. “The easy decision was to start with that. But we had no long run data – there was no high fuel running – so we were going into the race completely blind. To do 56 laps on a set was encouraging, and I was really happy to score points. Hopefully we can go to the British GP and have three consecutive good days. That will put a smile on my face!”

The team was mightily impressed by his performance and especially the way he managed the tyres and was able to make them last even longer than planned.

“Paul’s race was pretty faultless, I thought,” says Bob Fernley. “Good strategy, perfectly executed, and a super drive. I don’t think we could have added anything to that at all. The target that we were trying to do was 50, but the tyre just kept going, and in the end once we’d got past the critical point from our side, we left the decision to Paul.”

Adrian’s race was a little more eventful. He had an early spin in a battle with Valtteri Bottas, and soon after that suffered serious rear wing damage when hit from behind.

“There was an opportunity into Turn three to pass Bottas,” says Adrian of the first incident. “I tried that, but I slipped a little on the inside kerb. He was still trying to defend his position, which was his right, no problem, but I lost my car and I spun. I was very lucky to continue. Then I was unlucky with Maldonado that he missed his braking point, and he damaged my rear.

“I lost a little bit of downforce in the rear; it was a bit difficult on braking. But I gained top speed! So I still had a decent pace, that’s why I was running P8 even with a damaged car.”

It was a remarkable performance that should have earned him eighth place, but for a late drive-through penalty for a blue flag offence. He did at least hang on to a valuable point with 10th place after what was a heroic performance given the damage to the rear wing.

“The spin obviously set him back,” says Bob. “I think it was just one of those racing incidents. He then got a big clout up the back from Maldonado, and that affected the wing for the whole race. After that he did an incredibly job defending against Massa, I thought the driving of both of them was absolutely superb, it was very entertaining.”

All eyes now turn to Silverstone. Can the team make it to the podium?

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