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De Villota walks into Spanish eye clinic

Wounds were clearly visible, as was a blue eye patch

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A Spanish publication has spotted a walking and apparently well Maria de Villota entering an outpatient clinic in Spain this week.

After 17 days in a UK hospital, and several more days in hospital in her native Madrid, the 32-year-old finally went home last week.

La Nueva Espana now reports that, almost a full month since her horror Duxford testing crash, de Villota was seen visiting the Instituto Oftalmologico Fernandez-Vega - an eye specialist clinic - in Oviedo, Spain.

The report said she arrived in a black Mercedes with members of her family, with her hair shaved after several recent operations.

La Nueva Espana said wounds were clearly visible, as was a blue eye patch.

The report said video and photographs of de Villota leaving the car and entering the clinic were taken, but they are not being published "at the request of the family".

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