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Fernley: I look forward to some healthy rivalry

Introduction from Robert Fernley, Deputy Team Principal

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As with any new season, I await the start of our 2012 challenge with great anticipation. Off the back of our most successful season to date, there is a great deal to be excited about and plenty to look forward to over the coming months.

We begin 2012 with our eye firmly on the teams that finished ahead of us in 2011. We want to consolidate our sixth place, but ultimately we have set our sights on challenging for fifth place. It’s a realistic goal and I believe we have the talent and determination to realise these ambitions.

In terms of drivers we certainly have one of the most exciting pairings on the grid. Paul Di Resta is starting his second season with us and expectations will inevitably increase, but at the same time he has a year of experience under his belt and I’m confident he will continue to impress. There were a lot of standout moments for him last year, such as his sixth place in Singapore, where he showed great maturity behind the wheel. In fact, Paul ended 2011 as the most reliable driver on the grid, which is a great accolade for a rookie and something of which he should be proud.

In Nico Hulkenberg we have another driver with huge potential. After a year on the side lines he is back in a race seat, exactly where he belongs, and I have big hopes for him. Having spent 2011 as our reserve driver, he is already well integrated in the team and should be able to hit the ground running. I was extremely impressed with his attitude last year and it was always valuable to hear his feedback. I also see the hunger in his eye and I know how much he has missed racing. I’m convinced he will be one of the stars of the season.

Of course, any driver wants to beat his teammate, and you can expect some close competition between the Sahara Force India drivers. I’ve always said that we need to recruit the fastest drivers available and I do believe that having two drivers pushing each other will help us get the best results in the long run. That philosophy served us well last year and I look forward to some healthy rivalry in the team once again this year.

And finally, we have Jules Bianchi joining us this year – another talented youngster who has shown great promise in the junior ranks. He will spend the year learning with us and getting valuable track time, just as Nico did last year and Paul the year before. By signing Jules we have again demonstrated that we are committed to bringing in fresh talent and giving them a chance to impress.

With the first race in Melbourne fast approaching, there is plenty of hard work ahead over the next few weeks as the team gets down to work at the test track. I will follow the progress closely and remain optimistic that we can arrive in Australia ready to pick up where we left off in 2011. We expect fierce competition from the teams around us, but we are all extremely motivated for the season ahead and determined to make our fans and partners proud.

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