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Ferrari eyes ’plan B’ after Shanghai deadline

“We already have in place an alternative programme”

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The outcome of Sunday’s Chinese grand prix will determine whether Ferrari stays the course or reverts to ’plan B’ for the development of its 2011 car.

That is the claim of Italian newspapers including La Stampa and La Repubblica, as bosses Stefano Domenicali, Aldo Costa and Pat Fry returned to Maranello this week rather than remain in the East ahead of the Shanghai round.

"We are analysing everything to find out why things have not worked as expected at this stage of development," said team boss Domenicali.

The Italia 150 car will be fitted with some new components this weekend, he revealed.

"If in China everything works as hoped and expected, good, but if we have worked on developments that bring no result, we already have in place an alternative programme that will be introduced as soon as possible," said Domenicali.

He said in La Stampa: "We have a deadline. Now we go to Shanghai where we must decide whether to continue with this aero package or change direction."

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