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Herbert may also be steward later in 2010

"I think it is a really good idea"

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Johnny Herbert has indicated he might repeat his role as the driver-representative in the F1 stewards’ room later this season.

Writing from Malaysia in his column in the Abu Dhabi newspaper The National, the 45-year-old Briton said he "may well do others (races) during the season".

He fully backed FIA president Jean Todt’s initiative, which so far in 2010 has also seen Alain Prost and Tom Kristensen act as a fourth steward.

"I think it is a really good idea as it can only bring a more informed view to why a driver tried to make a certain manoeuvre or tried to pass someone at a certain point on the circuit, and can only add more credibility to the decision-making," said Herbert.

Herbert won three grands prix during his F1 career spanning 165 races until 2000.

His last role in F1 was as sporting relations manager with Jordan and Midland in 2005/6.

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