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Horner denies Vettel has Ferrari contract

"I’ve spoken to Sebastian about it"

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Christian Horner, the boss of formula one team Red Bull, has scotched reports star driver Sebastian Vettel is set to switch to Ferrari.

Numerous reports and sources have claimed double world champion and German Vettel, who turned 25 this week, has signed a ’pre-contract’ that could lead to him moving to Ferrari in 2014.

"I can’t see that," Horner is quoted by British newspapers, "because all contracts have to be declared with the Contract Recognition Board for a kick-off.

"I’ve also spoken to Sebastian about it, and he has made it quite clear he hasn’t had any dialogue and hasn’t signed anything with Ferrari, but I guess the rumour mill will always continue."

Horner dismissed the rumours as simply a part of formula one life.

"I think most of our team has been going to Ferrari at some point this year, whether it be Adrian (Newey), Mark (Webber), Sebastian, even myself at one stage was supposed to be going," the Briton smiled.

And after Vettel recently said he is happy at Red Bull alongside Australian Webber, Horner indicated the driver pairing is indeed likely to stay the same for now.

"They drive the car in a similar manner and it’s important for us to have two drivers who do push each other to get the best out of each other," he said.

"So I’m sure over the next few weeks we’ll sit down and talk about the future with Mark."

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