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Malaysia & China 2011 - GP Preview - Red Bull Renault

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Sebastian Vettel: “Malaysia is the first real track we go to, as Australia is a semi-street circuit. It’s hot and rains everyday, but the question is when and how much? It will be a tricky one. Circuitwise you’ve got everything in there: Turn 14 requires you to brake the car while you’re still turning into the corner, which makes it quite challenging. Looking to China, we have good memories from there two years ago. We struggled to repeat it last year, but we will go back there and try again. I like the track and I’ve got some good points there in the past. Generally the overseas races are special, as you go there a few days earlier than usual, so you get to see different things. I enjoy that and am looking forward to it.”

Mark Webber: “Malaysia is a sensational circuit. It always provides an interesting race, especially with the weather. It’s a great challenge for the driver too in terms of temperature and we’ll need to see how the tyres go there. We got a lot of information from the first race and we expect our car to be good in Malaysia – I want to get some champagne and up on to the steps. China will be similar to Australia, as it’s pretty cold when we go there. I think it will be an interesting race with the rear wing due to the long straights.”

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