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Massa, Barrichello, approve of Red Bull position swapping

"If at the end Sebastian is first and Mark is second, I’m sure they will swap places"

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Felipe Massa thinks Red Bull’s drivers are open about swapping positions during the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix on Sunday.

The Ferrari driver, who was controversially ordered aside for his teammate Fernando Alonso at Hockenheim, was commenting on the main topic of conversation at the 2010 finale — whether Sebastian Vettel will move over for Mark Webber in order to prevent Fernando Alonso from winning the drivers’ title.

"My personal opinion is that the Red Bull drivers will fight to the end, because they both have a chance to become champion," the Brazilian is quoted in Italian by Tuttosport.

"But if at the end Sebastian is first and Mark is second, I’m sure they will swap places. If not, they would give the title to another team.

"But you should ask them, not me."

Even Rubens Barrichello, who like Massa was also the victim of Ferrari’s blatant imposition of team orders, agrees.

"I have always been against team orders," he is quoted by Globo.

"But if someone has no more mathematical chances in the last moment but the other one (the teammate) does, then it is definitely better for the team.

"So I see nothing wrong if that happens in the last lap."

Officially at Red Bull, the position is that team orders will not be imposed, but team management is hoping Vettel will be "magnanimous" should he find himself able to deliver the drivers’ title to Webber rather than Alonso.

"Logic tells me that Sebastian will do it (give up the win) if Alonso is right behind them," Niki Lauda told RTL television.

"For me it would be a great gesture from Vettel; gentlemanly and fair," said the triple world champion.

Even from Vettel’s perspective, that scenario appears a no-brainer.

"It would not take a genius to know what to do," the 23-year-old is quoted by the Spanish media.

Helmut Marko, however, admitted that not seeing Vettel crowned world champion on Sunday would have a bitter taste.

"Without the technical problems this year, Sebastian would already be champion," Red Bull’s motor sport consultant is quoted by Bild newspaper.

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