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Massa: Easier to think of the future when the results come

"I want to read in the papers that Felipe is back"

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Felipe Massa’s future depends on what happens now. At the end of 2012, the contract between the Brazilian and Scuderia Ferrari will come to an end, but the pressure that might build with this expiry date does not seem to have unsettled Felipe.

“I am well aware that in some ways, the first part of the season will be more important than the second,” he said. “When we reach the mid-point of the season, we will talk about my future and see what are the chances of continuing to work with Ferrari: The most important thing is the results: if they are good, making decisions about the future will be much easier and there would be no point in changing a situation that everyone was happy with.

“I want to read in the papers that Felipe is back, fighting for the wins and to do that, we need everything to be right: if we have a good car then I know I can fight for the title, as I have already done in the past,” continued the Paulista. “Since 2008, nothing has changed: after my accident, I am still the same. Sure, it bothers me not having won for such a long time and I have a strong desire to win again: however, I am calm because I know what I am capable of and I am 100% ready to manage the pressure that has always been part of my work.”

Felipe said he was pleased to hear of the new arrivals, especially that of Bridgestone Motorsport’s former Technical Director Hirohide Hamashima: “He is a very experienced engineer and being able to count on him is very positive in terms of gaining an understanding about how the tyres work. Pat Fry is doing a very good job: he too is very experienced and has done an excellent job on the reorganization of the team.”

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