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Mercedes to be strong again in 2016 - Hamilton

"Of course there is a slight unknown because the car can shift"

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Lewis Hamilton has tipped another year of strong form from himself and the Mercedes team.

While Ferrari made progress in 2015 and is now targeting a full championship tilt this year, reigning triple world champion Hamilton thinks the silver-coloured camp can stay on top.

Mercedes and Hamilton dominated in 2014 and 2015 and "there is at least another year of this strength we have", the 30-year-old is quoted by The Sun.

"Of course there is a slight unknown because the car can shift," Hamilton added. "It could dip but we have a much, much stronger foundation in this team and that (dip) is not going to be the case."

What did dip at the end of last season, however, was Hamilton’s personal form, with teammate Nico Rosberg winning the last three grands prix from pole.

But many believe Briton Hamilton simply eased off the throttle once he had had wrapped up the title in Austin.

"I was at a peak for a long time during the year," he said, "and then I had three so-so races at the end.

"I still drove pretty well and didn’t make any mistakes. I don’t think you are ever performing at peak level all the time. You have dips," Hamilton added.

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