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Montezemolo wants less aerodynamics in F1

“This F1 does not sit well with me”

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Luca di Montezemolo has admitted he wants the performance of formula one cars to be less reliant on aerodynamics.

"Currently 80 per cent of the performance depends on the aerodynamic, which is too much," the Ferrari president told La Gazzetta dello Sport.

"The wind tunnels operate all the time but F1 is also about the mechanical, the engines. This F1 does not sit well with me," added Montezemolo.

"Also absurd is that we are the only professional sport in the world where you cannot practice. Testing should be reintroduced, paying close attention to costs," he said.

Montezemolo also repeated his desire to see a small team run a Ferrari chassis.

"For the audience, that would be better than teams making their cars 4 or 5 seconds too slow," he said.

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