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Narain Karthikeyan: “I completed an almost perfect lap”

Karthikeyan full of confidence within HRT

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Narain Karthikeyan enjoyed yet another competitive qualifying session today around the Marina Bay street circuit, in preparation for tomorrow’s Singapore Grand Prix. Although the Indian driver will start the race from a lowly 23rd on the grid, it was the second race weekend in succession where he out-qualified his team-mate.

This weekend has seen HRT introduce several new upgrades to their car, including a new floor. With Pedro de la Rosa set to incur a 5-place grid penalty due to a gearbox change, it was a forgone conclusion that the Spaniard would start tomorrow’s race from 24th and last. However, Narain Karthikeyan completed what he regarded as an almost perfect lap around the tricky confines of the Marina Bay street circuit to beat his vastly experienced team-mate.

"I’m happy because in qualifying I completed an almost perfect lap.” Explained Narain Karthikeyan, “I’m pushing very hard and I think that right now I’m driving very well. I’m very comfortable within the team, they help me a lot and make me feel at home, and when the atmosphere is that good it’s easy to perform well. I’ve done two good consecutive qualifying sessions and I hope to keep that momentum. Tomorrow’s race will be tough physically and mentally but we will fight to achieve the best possible result.”

With speculation ripe within the F1 paddock this weekend that HRT’s reserve driver Dani Clos could receive a promotion within the team and replace Karthikeyan next season, the Indian driver is certainly proving his worth to the team behind the wheel of the F112. Although tomorrow’s Singapore Grand Prix will be exceedingly tough on the teams and drivers, Karthikeyan will be striving for a competitive result at the back of the pack.

Follow me on Twitter - @AndyYoungF1

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