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Newey important for new Red Bull contract - Vettel

"I wanted to understand what will happen inside the team"

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Sebastian Vettel has admitted he signed on through 2014 with Red Bull when he knew that top car designer Adrian Newey is also staying put.

It is believed Ferrari also made a push to sign the 23-year-old German as well as Briton Newey, but the pair are keeping the 2010 world championship team together.

"Ferrari is special, a legend and I would be proud to put my name among their list of drivers," Vettel told Brazilian newspaper O Estado de S.Paulo.

"But for now I am happy where I am."

When asked if his extended stay is linked to Newey, Vettel answered: "Yes, before planning for the future I wanted to understand what will happen inside the team.

"And it’s not just Adrian, but others that are also important to Red Bull," he added.

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