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No ’Korea-type situation’ for Indian GP

Officials are adamant the track will be finished on time

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An official of the new Indian grand prix has denied the Delhi venue could struggle to be ready for its inaugural October race later this year.

The 5.1 kilometre Jaypee Group Circuit is currently under construction on 100 acres of land in the Uttar Pradesh state.

Organisers had earmarked a mid-year completion date, but some recent visitors to the site have expressed fears the venue is far from ready.

But Dr Walter Kafitz told Speed Week that the Indian grand prix will take place as scheduled on 30 October.

Kafitz, at Sepang to oversee an Indian delegation, is now working on the Delhi project after 15 years as head of the Nurburgring circuit in Germany.

He said the track will be more than ready for F1, despite fears of a repeat of Delhi’s controversial hosting of the 2010 Commonwealth Games.

"It is a wonderful circuit for spectators as well as for the drivers," said Kafitz.

He insisted that rumours of construction delays are not true.

"There will be no South Korea-type situation with us," added Kafitz, referring to the calamitous preparations for last year’s inaugural grand prix in Yeongam.

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