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Pastor Maldonado receives 5-Place grid penalty

A tough race ahead for the Venezuelan driver

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Pastor Maldonado has been forced to endure a 5-place grid penalty ahead of this afternoon’s Canadian Grand Prix, after his Williams mechanics were forced to change his gearbox. After an explosive end to qualifying, the Venezuelan driver was set to start the race from only 17th on the grid, after failing to progress to Q3.

Following the gearbox change and the subsequent penalty that followed, Maldonado will now line-up 22nd on the grid for the race. After a relatively uncompetitive season since his illustrious victory at the Spanish Grand Prix, Maldonado looks set to have another tough afternoon ahead of him.

Pastor Maldonado’s team-mate Bruno Senna will start the Canadian Grand Prix in 16th, as the team search for further World Championship points this weekend.

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