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Q&A with Kimi Räikkönen - I think we should be in good shape

"Overall the car felt ok"

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P15 for Kimi in both Free Practice sessions at the Circuit Gilles-Villeneuve yesterday after an intense programme of setup work for the Finn. Although the result may not seem so positive, the 2007 World Champion is optimistic about his chances for the weekend…

Kimi, how was your first day back on track in Canada?

It was a bit of a strange day yesterday. We expected there to be rain in the afternoon so we tried to do all the running we needed in the morning session and used most of our super soft tyres in the process. We didn’t really lose anything by doing this as the conditions were pretty much the same in second session. We achieved what we wanted; we tried a few different things with the setup, and our position in the times did not tell the full story of where we’ll be this weekend.

How did the E20 feel around Montréal? From what you’ve seen so far, will making the super soft tyres last be an issue?

Overall the car felt ok. It was quite cool yesterday and we were probably missing a bit of grip compared to what we’d like, but it’s due to get warmer during the rest of the weekend which should suit us a bit more and also help get the tyres working better. We had no problems with tyre degradation at all during either session. I did over twenty laps with one set and they seemed to be fine so I think we should be in good shape.

Does being down in P15 during both sessions today concern you at all?

I’ve been around that kind of position during practice at every race this year and it’s always worked out ok so far! I’ve said all along, it doesn’t matter what position you are in practice as long as you get the work done that you need and learn everything you can before the weekend. At the end of the day there are no points for practice – you can be top of every test session, but if you can’t compete on Sunday it means nothing.

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