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Race date change boosts Valencia ticket sales

The signing of Fernando Alonso with Ferrari helped too

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Valencia’s earlier date for its grand prix this weekend has resulted in higher ticket sales.

Last year, high ambient temperatures and clashing Spanish holidays meant spectator numbers were low for the European grand prix in late August.

Valencia’s street race was moved to late June for this season, amid suggestions the real problem is that the layout does not produce good racing.

"The city is making an enormous effort but I assume there’s a long way to go," F1 chief executive Bernie Ecclestone said in an interview with Spain’s El Mundo newspaper.

"The change of date is helping the ticket sales, as well as the signing of Fernando Alonso with Ferrari," he added.

In AS newspaper, race promoter Valmor’s boss Jorge Martinez Aspar confirmed that ticket sales for this weekend’s event have gone "well beyond the sales of last year".

"There will not be as many people as in the first year (2008), but it is much better than last year," Aspar added.

A warm and sunny weekend of weather is expected in the port city this weekend, with the only possibility of light rain forecast for Friday.

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