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Relaxed Webber vows to keep pushing for title

"I have achieved more this season than I expected"

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Whilst still a main contender for the 2010 title, Mark Webber insists his own expectations for the season have already been met.

"I am totally relaxed and looking forward to the last races," the Australian told the Swiss newspaper Blick in Sao Paulo.

In Korea recently, the Red Bull driver was comfortably leading the world championship when he spun on the wet track and crashed.

He is now 11 points behind Ferrari’s Fernando Alonso, with Red Bull reluctant to fully back his championship charge over young teammate and team favourite Sebastian Vettel.

Webber said: "I have achieved more this season than I expected. My target is already fulfilled."

The 34-year-old, however, is still fully motivated to win his first drivers’ title, shifting the pressure onto Alonso.

"Ferrari will be fast here, but Fernando will be concerned about his engine situation. I can push as hard as I can and have always been strong in Brazil," insisted Webber.

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