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Sergio Perez takes full responsibility for spinning out at Suzuka

Perez spun out of the Japanese Grand Prix whilst trying to overtake Hamilton

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Sergio Perez has taken full responsibility for his spin out of the Japanese Grand Prix, after the Mexican driver tried to overtake the McLaren of Lewis Hamilton. After making a slight error through turn 10, Perez was carrying too much speed into turn 11 which saw the Mexican driver spin out of the race.

After completing a fantastic overtaking maneuver on Lewis Hamilton through the same corner earlier in the race, Sergio Perez tried to repeat a similar move on lap 19 after the first round of pitstops. However, Lewis Hamilton was better prepared the second time around, and defended his position well against the Sauber driver. This left Perez with little room on the outside of the corner, and saw him loose control of his car and spin out in embarrassing style.

“I feel very sorry for the team.” Explained a disappointed Sergio Perez after his spin. “It worked well when I got passed Lewis Hamilton for the first time on lap six, but then it didn’t when I tried it again. Lewis went quite late to the inside and I had only room on the outside. But it certainly was my mistake. The race didn’t start too well for me either when Romain Grosjean caused a mess and I lost positions.”

Sergio Perez will be hoping for better luck next weekend at Korea, as he strives to end his career with Sauber on a high note before replacing Lewis Hamilton at McLaren for 2013. The Mexican driver has finished on the podium three times this season, and is aiming for instant Championship glory next season with McLaren.

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