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Toro Rosso dispirited after yet another tough race at Monza

Vergne retires whereas Ricciardo looses 10th on the final lap!

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Jean-Eric Vergne is unsure why he crashed out of the Italian Grand Prix, after the Toro Rosso driver lost control of the rear end of his car in the early stages of the race. The Frenchman was launched dangerously into the air as, his car bounced violently over the “sausage” kerbs at turn 1.

After the incident, Jean-Eric Vergne was immediately taken to the medical centre for a precautionary check-up. Apart from some minor pains in his lower back and head, Jean-Eric Vergne is relatively unscathed after what could’ve been a much bigger incident. With Toro Rosso striving to score further World Championship points at their home race, this unfortunate result is just another brink in the wall for the Faenza-based outfit.

“I was taken from the accident to the Medical Centre, but apart from a bit of pain in my back and my head, I am fine.” Explained Jean-Eric Vergne after the race, “I don’t know why I crashed. All I can remember is that when I braked, I completely lost control of the back end of the car. I felt a big impact when the car landed after going up in the air. The kerb is high at that point and I count myself lucky that the car did not flip over.”

After scoring his first points finish since the beginning of the season last time out in Belgium, Jean-Eric Vergne would’ve been aiming for yet a further points finish had he not retired. Vergne’s team-mate Daniel Ricciardo was unfortunately unable to finish in the points, as the Australian driver could only manage 12th in the race. Ricciardo was running in 10th on the final lap, but he lost ground throughout the final corner, therefore loosing what would’ve been one point for himself and the team.

“It’s been so hard to score points this year and that means it is incredibly disappointing not to get one today.” Said a disheartened Daniel Ricciardo, “I was tenth until the last corner on the very last lap. At that point, I accelerated to exit Parabolica and nothing happened. At the moment, I don’t know the cause, but to miss out on a point by a few hundred meters is bitterly disappointing.”

Toro Rosso will be hoping the next race around the Marina Bay Street Circuit at Singapore will yield a better result than today, as Toro Rosso continue to struggle to score points on a regular basis. The Italian outfit have only managed to score 12 points so far this season, and currently sit 9th in the Constructors’ Championship.

Follow me on Twitter - @AndyYoungF1

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