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Vergne predicts strong season for Toro Rosso

"What Jerez showed us I think is that we have a good basis"

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Jean-Eric Vergne has predicted a good season ahead for Toro Rosso.

Along with Daniel Ricciardo, French rookie Vergne makes up the Red Bull junior team’s new driver lineup, following the ousting at the end of last season of Jaime Alguersuari and Sebastien Buemi.

Perhaps because their prize could be Mark Webber’s seat at the senior team in 2013, Ricciardo and Vergne set almost identical laptimes last week at Jerez as the new STR7 was tested for the first time.

And according to 21-year-old Vergne, the Ferrari powered car showed promising form overall.

"We hope to be one of the strongest teams in the middle of the classification," he is quoted by the Italian website Tuttosport.

At the same time, Vergne is not getting carried away ahead of eight pre-season test days in Barcelona, starting next week.

"Barcelona could be different as Jerez was rather cold and the surface is very abrasive. I don’t think there’s much difference between the teams."

Vergne is quoted by France’s L’Equipe: "What Jerez showed us I think is that we have a good basis."

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