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Vettel aims for pole despite strategy ’panic’

"If you want to win, start from pole"

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Sebastian Vettel has denied he will sacrifice qualifying in a bid to return to the top step of the podium this weekend.

The German won the opening two races from pole, but was outwitted in China three weeks ago after Lewis Hamilton saved tyres throughout the weekend to beat Red Bull at the wheel of the slightly inferior McLaren.

In Shanghai, Mark Webber seared through the field to the podium due to having a cache of fresh tyres, with former driver Alex Wurz observing this week that "a new set of tyres can be better" than a few further rows on the grid.

Nick Heidfeld told Speed Week that race tactics are therefore going to now unfold "a bit differently to before".

Pole specialist Vettel admitted there is some "panic" among F1’s strategists at present but intends to push on in Turkey this weekend.

"My motto is: if you want to have fun, start from the back. If you want to win, start from pole," said the 23-year-old on Thursday.

Webber told Auto Motor und Sport: "It’s a very fine line to walk on now. Unfortunately, you don’t know exactly what’s going to happen in the race."

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