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Vettel recalls F1 fisticuffs

"It was a fight between Speed and Tost"

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According to Sebastian Vettel, he made his formula one debut in 2007 as the result of a fist-fight.

The paddock is still buzzing with rumours at present amid reports Adrian Sutil cut a Renault team executive’s neck with a broken champagne glass earlier this year in China.

Vettel, the reigning world champion and runaway 2011 drivers’ title leader, told the Swiss newspaper Blick that he made his F1 debut in mid 2007 thanks to a fight.

Toro Rosso team boss Franz Tost has previously denied that he fought with Scott Speed in the pits before the American driver was sacked.

Referring to his earlier debut in Robert Kubica’s car after the then BMW driver’s big Montreal crash, German Vettel said another incident then led to his full-time seat.

"This time it was a fight between the driver Speed and team boss Tost that opened the door to formula one for me," said the German.

But according to paddock legend, Vettel has also been in a F1 fight — with Nick Heidfeld during a test in Bahrain in early 2007.

"That was made up," German Heidfeld is quoted as responding, despite Nelsinho Piquet confirming the pair had a "wild brawl in the pits".

Added Heidfeld: "Anyway, I don’t hit children."

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