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Webber backtracks on ’harsh’ Monza review

"Looking back on the race there is not a great deal we could have done better"

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Mark Webber has backtracked after accusing Red Bull of having "underperformed" at Monza last weekend.

The Australian re-took the lead of the drivers’ world championship in Italy, but with Lewis Hamilton crashing out, he was disappointed to finish just sixth after qualifying on the second row.

"We sniffed around just getting a few (points). We could have capitalised," he said after the race.

"You’ve got to make the most of opportunities. We should have done a lot better," he added.

Several days later, Webber is calmer.

"I was probably a little bit harsh after the race," he is quoted by The Australian newspaper.

"Looking back on the race there is not a great deal we could have done better."

One element Red Bull has vowed to improve is race starts, after two consecutive poor getaways for the 34-year-old.

"We need to look at it very carefully," team boss Christian Horner is quoted in French by L’Equipe.

"Our starts early in the season were very good, but for a few races now they have not been," added the Briton.

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