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Hungary 2020 - GP preview - Red Bull

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Max Verstappen

After two races at the same circuit, are you looking forward to going to a new track ?

Yes, I think two weeks driving on the same track is enough but Red Bull did make a great event for us. It was nice to have the opportunity to drive at the same track twice and be able to test different set-ups on the cars and correlate the data from back to back races, but I think we are all ready for a new track now. After such a tough first weekend it was good to be on the podium on Sunday and it was nice to have some sort of reward for the Team. Now I’m just looking ahead to this weekend as Hungary is a really fun track to drive with these high downforce cars so let’s see what we can do.

Looking ahead, what are your main focuses for the race this weekend ?

I will of course try to do the best that I can and see how competitive we are again against Mercedes, and of course the others. The track is more technical than Austria. There are more corners and if you get one corner wrong, you are not well positioned for the next one, especially in sector two. So you really have to work hard on the car set-up, that is always key. We need a really stable balance, but of course a car that responds well going into corners.

The Team have won the fastest pit stop twice now, is it good to see the crew come back so strong ?

Yes, it is great to see, it’s always nice when the guys can give me such a fast pit stop. I mean I like to see the guys during the race but of course I want to get away from them as fast as possible in the pit stop ! They all work super hard and I think that shows every Sunday.

Alex Albon

After two races at the same circuit, are you looking forward to going to a new track ?

Hungary is a nice track. It’s a drivers’ circuit so we all enjoy coming here. This weekend the focus is a bit more on qualifying as it isn’t as easy to overtake here as it is at the Red Bull Ring. We learned a few lessons between races one and two, we understand the car a lot better now and we’re using that to push forward.

The season got off to a busy start with back to back races. How would you compare races one and two ?

I’d say race one was a bit better than race two. We optimised the package better in race one, but we had a better car in race two, so it’s more or less about working on that car from race two and getting it into a good window. I had to manage the early race pace on the soft tyre last weekend due to concerns over blistering but on the medium the balance was much better. There’s obviously a gap to Mercedes but we’re probably going to a circuit that suits us more than the Red Bull Ring so with that in mind we’re pretty hopeful.

In race two you equalled your career best finish with P4 and took a solid amount of points for the Team. What are your expectations for Hungary ?

The main thing is to close the gap to Mercedes. We will have to wait and see where we are in FP1 but I think the pecking order in the championship is maybe a bit different to what was expected and the Racing Point is probably up there. We’ve got to see what we can do. As always, the goal is to focus on ourselves and the end product is the result of that hard work. It’s all about optimising what we’ve got and seeing how that compares to the rest of the field.

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