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Three F1 teams risk budget cap overspend

"Inevitably there are loopholes"

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Three Formula 1 teams are reportedly at risk of breaching the sport’s budget cap rules.

Last year, Red Bull and Aston Martin fell afoul of the spending limit - but F1 CEO Stefano Domenicali thinks the penalties should be harsher in future.

"I would like the penalties to be sporting," Motorsport Italia quotes him as saying.

"It is worth moving in that direction rather than the other."

Recently, it emerged that the FIA is putting a closer eye on top teams Red Bull, Ferrari, Mercedes and Aston Martin for supposed clever staff accounting between their F1 operations and non-racing subsidiaries.

"It’s so complex," said Alpine boss Otmar Szafnauer, "that inevitably there are loopholes.

"What we need to do, going forward on the operational side, is close some of those loopholes," he explained. "The only reason to close them is so that the playing field is level.

"Once we have that level playing field and those who have more financial ability can’t spend it, then the field will get a little bit closer.

"That’s good for the fans and it’s good for motor racing," said Szafnauer.

At the same time, some teams - including Alpine but also Williams - are pushing for a relaxing of the budget cap rules in the area of capital expenditure like wind tunnels and other facilities.

"If we do a good job on equalising the infrastructure as well as closing some of the (operational expenditure) loopholes that exist, then for sure it’ll help," said Szafnauer.

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