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Carlos Bueno in the fourth Chevrolet

Bueno has built a solid reputation in South American touring car racing

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Brazilian touring car star Carlos “Cacá” Bueno will join the Chevrolet team for the British event at Brands Hatch. The 33-year old from Rio will be at the wheel of the fourth Cruze car that was previously driven by Leonel Pernía in Monza and Vincent Radermecker in Zolder.

Bueno has built himself a solid reputation in South American touring car racing. In 1997, at the age of 21, he clinched the national title in the Stock Car’s Class B and two years later he was crowned champion of the South American Supertouring Nations Cup in a Peugeot 406.

He then moved to Argentina and was classified 4th in the 2001 TC2000 before returning to the Brazilian Stock Car championship in which he drove for Chevrolet, Mitsubishi and Peugeot, grabbing three titles (2006, 2007 and 2009) and finishing three times second (2003, 2004 and 2005).

“Cacá’s presence in Brands Hatch will be a great plus for the team in RML’s home race and will contribute to further raise interest for the WTCC in South America,” commented Eric Nève, Chevrolet Motorsport Director.

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