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Leader Mikkelsen to tackle night stage first

"I enjoy driving in the dark"

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Rallye Sanremo leader Andreas Mikkelsen will go first on Friday’s 44-kilometre Ronde night stage after the running order was altered to reflect the current classification on the Intercontinental Rally Challenge event.

Mikkelsen, at the wheel of a ŠKODA UK Motorsport Fabia Super 2000, leads the asphalt event by 4.5s. He said: “I enjoy driving in the dark and that one stage could decide the outcome of the rally. It will be a big challenge for sure, and I have a good opportunity there.

“I’ve found a good pace so far and I’ve been really concentrating on my lines and my pacenotes. It could be difficult going first [on the night stage] because you don’t know about the gravel that has been dragged onto the road but I feel quite confident and relaxed.”

Before the start, Rallye Sanremo boss Sergio Maiga confirmed the driver setting the fastest time through the Ronde stage would receive a special trophy. “It’s a new trophy for this year,” he said.

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