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Ostberg reveals retirement fear

Norwegian thought power loss would forced Wales Rally GB exit

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Mads Ostberg has revealed how he was on the verge of retiring from Wales Rally GB heading to today’s opening stage.

Ostberg, who is currently fourth on the FIA World Rally Championship counter, experienced a loss of power on the road section to the Port Talbot stage this morning, which plagued him on today’s first three tests.

The Adapta Ford Fiesta driver said: “We had basically decided to retire because I was struggling so much just to get up to the time control for the first stage. We were speaking to the team on the telephone and the connection was bad and it was not brilliant on the radio either and we did not know if they told us to stop or to try to continue. We managed to start but we were struggling on the uphill sections and the engine was making a really bad noise.

“The team knows what it is - you have to ask them - but we are confident it can be fixed in the service. I think it’s too much fuel downing the engine but I’m not sure.”

Ostberg now plans to push for bonus points on the event-closing Power Stage this afternoon. “We wanted to go out and win stages but we haven’t been able to,” said the Norwegian. “We now plan to be a bit clever and save some tyres for the Power Stage and give it a push in there.”

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