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Peugeot aces warned of Argentina challenge

"Stages are twisty"

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The engineer responsible for the development of Peugeot’s 207 Super 2000 has highlighted several challenges the manufacturer’s three drivers must be wary of on Rally Argentina this week.

As well as the possibility of damage to the roads caused by heavy rain and the possibility of low-lying cloud and fog, engineer Bertrand Vallat has warned of water splashes being a constant hazard, particularly on Saturday’s opening leg.

He said: “The Argentine stages are twisty and put the emphasis on vertical suspension movement. This means we need to optimise the car’s shock absorbing ability but without having an adverse effect on its balance. The surface also tends to cut up between runs so that’s another problem we need to take on board and the teams will have to adjust their settings – and even ride-height – accordingly.

“Last but not least, we need to prepare for the many water splashes, too. The main thing is to ensure that the engine and especially the electronics are shielded from the water. This is never an exact science; we just have to take all the steps we can.”

Bruno Magalhães, Kris Meeke and Daniel Oliveira (pictured) will all drive Peugeot 207 S2000s on Rally Argentina this week.

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